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Auto Claims

What to do after an auto accident?

  • Stay as calm as possible
  • Call the Police immediately, and report the accident
  • Check for injuries. If necessary, call an ambulance
  • Turn on your emergency/hazard lights
  • If you have a camera at hand, it may be useful to photograph the accident scene
  • If possible, do not leave the accident scene before the police officers arrive
  • Take the details of other vehicles involved, the name(s) of the other driver(s), passengers, and witnesses

The Claims Process

  • Report the accident or damage to Caribbean Insurers Ltd as soon as possible
  • Obtain two estimates for the cost of repairs to your vehicle
  • Do not in any circumstances admit liability. Instead – advise the other party(s) that you are insured through Caribbean Insurers Ltd, and that they must contact us directly – on 494 2728 or in person at our office
  • Obtain copies of the Police report and give one copy to Caribbean Insurers Ltd
  • Record the following:
    • Date, time and location of the accident
    • Name, address, contact numbers and insurance information of the driver of the other vehicle. If the driver is not the owner of the vehicle, request the name of the owner
    • Name, address, and contact numbers of passengers and witnesses
    • Make, model and licence plate number of the other vehicle(s)
    • To begin the claims process for Autos – download and complete our: Accident Report Form
  • Photos will be taken by one of our Claims Officers
  • Make sure to advise us of the location of your vehicle
  • Take reasonable steps to protect your vehicle from further damage. We will pay the costs of towing and storage
  • If the driver is not the Insured, find out the name and contact number of the owner
  • Consult with our claims representatives to review your policy for specific coverage information

Once you have done your part, we will make sure the claim is settled in a timely fashion.

Injuries to you or other parties to the accident

Should you or any of your passengers incur any injuries as a result of an accident in your vehicle and you are covered for medical expenses, the injury related expenses will be paid by us, subject to the terms and conditions of your policy.

Claims against you

If a third party should claim that an accident was your fault, immediately contact one of our claims officers. Copies of any summons or other legal documents you receive should be given immediately to our claims representative.


Subject to the terms and conditions of your policy, it is our right to pay you in cash, repair, or replace with like kind.

Remember that it is the responsibility of your Insurance Company to settle all claims. It is your duty, under the policy, to cooperate with you Insurance Company to facilitate the settlement.